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New Roof Installation or Re-roof? What’s Best?

Commercial Asphalt Shingle Roof

New Roof Installation or Re-roof? What’s Best?

Your roof is one of the most important systems in your home. It protects every other system in your home. Professional roof repair, new roof installation, and re-roofing options can ensure that your roof delivers the protection you can depend on.

A lot of homeowners are not aware that when their roof is failing they have options. Of course, you can always choose new roof installation, but it is not the only option you have. The right asphalt roof contractors can help you save money, and get the roof that will protect for years to come.

What is a Re-Roof?

 Your residential roofing expert may suggest that it is time to replace your old worn roof. A reroof is a roof built over your current roof. In other words, your old roof stays in place and the new asphalt and roofing materials are placed right over it. 

If you have the right roofing contractor on your side, they will have options for roof replacement that can:

Save Time and Save money

Deliver a brand new roof without the demolition

With a new roof installation, the old roof has to be removed, which is time-consuming and generates a lot of debris. A reroof option can save money, shorten the time it takes to get the roof installed and keep debris down to a minimum.

It re-roofing process is less expensive because it is less labor intensive.

Is It Always an Option?

Re-roofing is an option in most cases. If the roof of your home has been reroofed in the past than unfortunately, it can not be done again. However, if your home has never been re-roofed it can be the best option for you.

A new asphalt roof does not have to involve tearing your old roof down. Re-roofing can deliver the new roof you need to protect your home, save you some money, and give you an excellent aesthetic. If you are like 88% of the homeowners surveyed, you want your roof to be durable, and reroofing can deliver that durability with savings.

Contact Paramount Roofing and Siding to learn more about your roofing options and get the service that you deserve to keep your home protected.

Contact a Paramount Roofing Expert Today… (608) 709-0361 or (262) 565-1245