What to Expect From Your New Roof Installation
What to Expect From Your New Roof Installation
Most of us don’t think much about our roofs until we have a problem. Even though roofs are designed to last a long time, many factors affect how long they last. Problems such as bad weather, roof material, and the installation process can affect how long your roof lasts. According to the Insurance Information Institute, winter storms are the third largest cause of catastrophic losses to homeowners.
Property damage, including collapsed roofs, is a common type of storm damage. Whether your roof is nearing the end of its lifespan or got damaged by a storm, it’s important to know the necessary steps to replace it to ensure everything is done correctly. Here is what to expect from a new roof installation.
Expect the Removal of the Old Roof If It’s an Old House
If you’re replacing a roof, your roofing contractor must remove the old one. It’s a critical process that requires a high level of expertise. Depending on the roofing material, contractors can use a pry bar or shingle. There are risks involved. Therefore, research more about some of the precautions to take to ensure everything goes to plan.
Some Noise
Roof installation is a noisy process. While noise levels may vary, it’s still detrimental to family members sensitive to loud noises. You may need to stay away or keep your loved ones away from the construction when contractors work on a roofing project. If you have a newborn or a sick or older adult, make sure to keep that person far away from the work site. You can also ask the contractor to use sound-dampening insulation around the perimeter of your home.
Safety Precautions
You don’t have to move out during roof installation. However, you may need to take safety precautions to prevent injuries around your home. If you have pets and small children running all over the compound, set up areas where they can play.
Interior and Exterior Preparation
You should prepare outside and inside your home to prevent damage and injuries. It’s a good idea to cover your bedding, furniture, clothing, and other items to prevent falling debris from damaging them. Roofers will be nailing materials and scattering materials all over. You can cover the attic using an attic tarp and remove fragile items to prevent damage. Similarly, it would help if you worked on the outside to ensure nothing gets damaged by flying debris. Park your car far away to provide contractors more room to work.