
3 Roofing Tips to Keep Your Home Cooler This Summer

Metal Roofing Contractor Madison WISummer is almost here, and that means temperatures are starting to rise. Before you start to crank up the air conditioning this season, there are a few steps you can take to reduce your energy bills and ensure your home is as comfortable as it can possibly be. Here are just a few of our roofing contractors’ top roofing tips to keep your house cool all summer long.

Insulate your attic

You might associate insulation with warm temperatures, which isn’t exactly what you want during the summer months. But in reality, having proper attic insulation will keep the cool air in your home from escaping! In fact, superior attic insulation can save you up to 50{7e6cc862935509cf03392ffa9b415296648e98511f0177e60c26410ea0a1794b} on your heating and cooling bills throughout the year. When your home cooling system doesn’t have to work as hard, it’ll be more efficient and save you money. So be sure your attic is properly insulated before a heat wave hits.

Fix bad venting

Improperly installed fans and exhaust pipes can make your home a lot hotter than necessary. They can also cause moisture build-up, which can lead to mold growth and expensive repairs. Not only is good ventilation important to your family’s health, but it will also ensure that air flows throughout your home in the correct way. That, in turn, will make your home feel more comfortable for everyone.

Opt for metal roof installation

In many cases, new roof installation may be the best option for keeping your home cool. Any metal roofing company will tell you that cool metal roofs can save you 25{7e6cc862935509cf03392ffa9b415296648e98511f0177e60c26410ea0a1794b} on energy costs, as compared with an asphalt roof. That’s because these reflective materials won’t absorb as much heat from the sun. Your cooling system won’t have to go into overdrive to make your home comfortable, so you won’t have those high bills to deal with. Really, metal roof installation allows you to get far more benefits with way less effort. Looking for a way to cut your energy bills this summer? Making necessary roof repairs or installing a whole new roof can help reduce your energy use and make your home much more comfortable. For more information, contact Paramount Roof today.