4 Signs It’s Time For A Roof Replacement
4 Signs It’s Time For A Roof Replacement
Out of all the home improvements and repairs you might need to make to your home, a full asphalt roof replacement is one of the larger ones. The size of the project can cause many homeowners to put off scheduling roof repairs or roof restoration for far longer than they should. This repair is already one that can be hard to keep track of, since it only needs to be done once in a few years, but eventually a roof replacement will be needed. How do you know when it’s time to replace your roof? What signs should you be on the lookout for?
Recent Storms or Damages
Many homeowners only really notice damages after a storm or accident, but it’s possible that this is for the best. A recent incident can be motivation to tackle long-needed repairs on your asphalt roof. Even if you can’t see the damages right away, you may want to schedule repair anyway – not all storm-related roof damages are visible until you get up close.
Out-Of-Place Shingles
Asphalt roofs have their advantages when it comes to repairs, largely because it’s possible to repair individual shingles at a time. However, if you’re noticing more and more shingles being damaged or out of place, or you’re having to call for smaller repairs more frequently, you could be due for an overall asphalt roof replacement.
Purchasing An Older Home
First used in 1901, asphalt shingles have been part of the American home landscape for over a century. While most modern homes are built to strict codes and standards that make repairs easier and safer, not all older buildings are constructed with the same standards in mind. Some older roofs may even require a full tear-off in order to properly repair and replace them. If you’re looking at purchasing a historic home, you’ll want to check with a roofing contractor to see if there are any signs you need a new roof.
Winter Is Coming
While it may seem a bit early in the year to think about the upcoming winter, you may want to start focusing on it now. Winter can be incredibly damaging on roofs, particularly in areas that receive heavy snowfall. Weaker roofs can even potentially fail under the weight of too much wet snow. Instead of waiting until fall to replace your roof in time for winter, it’s best to get a head start on it now.